Message: Hope: In the Den of Foxes
Date: March 16, 2025
Mon. 3/17 Care Team, 2 PM
Church Council, 5:30 PM
Wed. 3/19 Potluck and Devotion, 6 PM
Thurs 3/20 Men’s Group, 7:30 AM
Women’s Bible Study, 11 AM
Worship Rehearsal, 7 PM
Sun. 3/23 VBS Informational Meeting, after Service
Women’s Lunch Meetup – 12 noon at RCLC – 3/25
Mid-Week Potluck and Devotion (6 PM) – 3/26
Women’s Bible Study – 11 AM – 3/27
Women’s Bible Study – 11 AM – 4/3
**Easter Flowers – A sign-up sheet is located on the Welcome Desk with cost, order deadline and payment information.
**Women’s Lunch Meetup – March 25 at 12 PM. We will meet at RCLC Conference Room. Bring your own lunch! We will have a devotion.
**VBS Informational Meeting – Thinking about helping out this year? Please join us after service on 3/23 to get some information about needs for planning and/or VBS Week. And see where you can help!
**Spring Cleaning Day – Saturday , April 5 – 9 AM – 12 noon. Please join us as we get our church home ready for Easter events.
Lent Midweeks - Mark your calendars: our Lenten Midweek potlucks and devotions begin Wednesday March 12th at 6pm and continue each week till April 9th. This year’s midweek themes focus on the feasts of Jesus’ ministry; as such our potlucks and devotions will take place simultaneously! We ask that dishes do not include nuts of any kind. Hope you can join us!
Holy Week Schedule – Holy Week begins 4/13 with Palm Sunday Service. A Foot Washing Service will be held on Maundy Thursday, 4/17 at 6 PM followed by a communion service at 7 PM. Good Friday Service will be held, 4/18 at 7 PM. Our Annual Egg Hunt will be held 4/19, and Easter Brunch (8:30 AM) and Easter Worship (9:30 AM) on 4/20.
**Can Drive – Keep up to date with our can drive via the website. This month’s cans go to support Zach Eshelman.
Submit announcements before 9am on Wednesday to: